
How To Add 0 For Money In Java

Hello guys, you lot may know that from Java 5 onwards information technology's piece of cake to left pad Integers with leading zeros when printing number as String. In fact, You can use the same technique to left and right pad Java String with any characters including zeros, infinite. Java 5 provides String format methods to brandish String in various formats. By using the format() method we can add together leading zeros to an Integer or String number. By the way, this is also known equally left padding Integers with zero in Coffee. For those who are not familiar with the left and right padding of String, here is a quick recap;

When we add characters like cypher or space on left of a String, its known every bit left padding and when we do the aforementioned on the right side of String, it's known as right padding of String. This is useful when you are displaying currency amounts or numbers, which has fixed width, and you lot want to add leading zeros instead of space in front end of Integers.

If by any risk, You are non using Java 5 or you like to employ open source projects like Apache commons, Google Guava or Spring framework then y'all can use leftPad() and rightPad() methods provided past StringUtils course. I personally prefer JDK function if it provides required functionality just It's very common to have Spring , Apache commons or Guava already in your classpath.

In that case use those method because they are more convenient, readable and you don't need to remember different String formatting options to left and right pad a String with zero or any graphic symbol . Past the way, while padding String and number left and right, it's worth recollect not to right pad numbers with zero, it will completely change there meaning.

Left and Correct padding Integer and String in Java

How to add leading zeros to Integer in Java - String left padding example In this Java tutorial, we will come across How to add leading zero to Integer or String in Java. Both are actually same because you only print String in Coffee and left padding is washed at the time of display and the original Integer value is not affected. The format() method of String grade in Java 5 is the beginning choice. Yous just need to add "%03d" to add 3 leading zeros in an Integer. Formatting instruction to String starts with "%" and 0 is the character which is used in padding. By default left padding is used, 3 is the size and d is used to print integers.

It means if the number has 1 or 2 digits than some leading zeros volition be added to the number to make its width equal to 3. This is besides known as left padding of Integers in Java. By default Coffee left pad with space and if you lot add 0 so Integer will exist left padded with zero. You lot can not utilise other character e.thousand. # here.

On the other manus both Spring and Apache commons StringUtils provides you convenient leftPad() and rightPad() method to add left and right padding on Cord in Java. These methods also permit you lot to pass whatsoever character of your choice to be used as padding e.k. zip, # or space.

Java String left and right padding case

Let's see some code instance of left and right padding String and Integer in Java using Jump, Apache Commons StringUtils and format method of String.

import coffee.util.logging.Logger ;

import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils ;


* Java program to evidence How to add leading zeros in Integer or Cord in Coffee.

* This Java examples shows 3 ways to add left padding of any character including zippo

* to an integer or String in Java. This program uses Java 5 String.format(), Apache

* commons StringUtils leftPad() and Spring Framework StringUtil'southward leftpad() method

* to add zeros in front of a number in Coffee.


* @author


public class StringPadding {

private static final Logger logger = Logger. getLogger( StringPadding. class . getName());

public static void chief ( Cord args[]) {

int number = 7 ;

//add together iii leading zeros in this number

String padded = Cord. format( "%03d" , number);

System. out . println( "Integer number left padded with nada : " + padded);

//left pad 7 zeros in this integer

padded = Cord. format( "%07d" , number);

Organisation. out . println( "Java example to add leading zeros in Integer : " + padded);

//left padding Cord with zeros using Bound framework StringUtils class

String leftPadded = StringUtils. leftPad( "" + number, vii , "0" );

System. out . println( "Adding zeros in front of Cord using Spring - left padding : " + leftPadded);

//Adding leading zeros in a number using Apache commons StrigUtil class

String leadingZero = org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils. leftPad( "" + 8 , 7 , "#" );

System. out . println( "Adding leading zeros to String in Java using Apache eatables : " + leadingZero);

//how to right pad Cord in Coffee with any graphic symbol

Cord rightpadded = StringUtils. rightPad( "seven" , vii , "#" );

System. out . println( "Right padded String in Coffee with #: " + rightpadded);

//right padding String in Java using Apache commons lang StringUtils class

String rPadded = org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils. rightPad( "9" , 7 , "#" );

System. out . println( "Right padding String with whatsoever char in Java : " + rPadded);

//Java 5 Cord format method can use to right padding Cord with space

String str = String. format( "%-7d" , vii );

Organization. out . println( "Correct pad Integer using Java 5 format method : " + str);




Integer number left padded with goose egg : 007

Coffee case to add leading zeros in Integer : 0000007

Calculation zeros in front of String using Leap - left padding : 0000007

Adding leading zeros to String in Coffee using Apache commons : ###### viii

Right padded String in Coffee with # : vii ######

Right padding String with any char in Coffee : 9 ######

Right pad Integer using Java 5 format method : vii

All the examples are self-explanatory, except the String format option, which I have explained in an before section. If you just want to left or correct pad String in Java and happen to use Spring or Apache eatables and so use leftPad() and rightPad() method, those are like shooting fish in a barrel to utilize and much readable than the format method of String.

That's all on how to add together leading zeros to Integer in Java or How to add together left and right padding String in Coffee. Equally I said you can either utilise format() method or coffee.lang.Cord or StringUtils from Apache commons and Spring framework to left or correct pad a Coffee String. Looks like both Bound and Apache commons StringUtils provide identical API for left and right padding Cord with any character.


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