
How to show more Pinned Tiles on Windows 11 Start Menu

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Windows 11 is one of the hottest topics in the town of tech. The developers are adding new features and the consumers are loving it. There is a new feature in this OS that allows you to add more programs to the Kickoff Carte. In this commodity, we are going to see how to testify more Pinned Tiles on Windows 11 Start Carte du jour.

show more Pinned Tiles on Windows 11 Start Menu

How practice I extend pinned items in Windows 11?

If y'all want to add more pinned items in Windows xi, attempt selecting the More pinsoption. There are two ways to practice the same. We are going to show yous how to practise the aforementioned hereinafter. And then, without wasting any time, let us hop into it.

If you want to evidence more Pinned Tiles on Windows 11 Start Carte du jour, you first demand to have Windows eleven Insider Preview Build 22509.However, the feature will shortly be available on other builds likewise, including the stable version of Windows 11.

Show more Pinned Tiles on Windows 11 Commencement Carte du jour

To testify more App Rows and add more than tiles to the First Carte, yous have 2 methods. The following are the two methods.

  1. From Settings
  2. From Registry Editor

Let us talk most them in detail.

one] Prove more App Rows in the Start Bill of fare in Windows eleven using Settings

If you want to use Windows Settings to add more tiles to the Windows xi Get-go Menu, follow the given steps.

  1. OpenSettingspast searching it out of the Start Carte du jour or by keyboard shortcutWin + I.
  2. Get toPersonalization.
  3. Click onStart.
  4. SelectMore pinsto allow the Starting time Menu to display more pinned tiles.

Now you can see your Offset Bill of fare. More than apps volition be pinned and the recommendation will exist fewer. You can select More recommendations from Settings > Personalization > Get-go if you desire more than of them.

You tin can also customize the settings from here. Utilize the toggles to enable the mentioned settings.

two] Show more Pinned Tiles on Windows xi First Card using Registry Editor

This method may not exist for anybody. So, if you are non familiar with the Registry Editor, nosotros would not recommend you employ this method. Instead, use Windows Settings to have the exact effect. But if you want to use Registry Editor, hitWin + R,type"Regedit" and click Ok to open the editor. Then navigate to the following location.


Await for Start_Layoutand double-click on information technology. Fix theValue datadepending on the selection you want to select. Following are the available options.

  • 0:Default
  • 1:More pins
  • 2:More recommendations

Since we are talking near calculation more tiles to the Showtime Menu, nosotros need to set up 1every bit the Value data and click Ok

Restart the reckoner and hopefully, hopefully, your Starting time Menu will be changed as per your command.

How do I customize the Start Carte in Windows xi?

Windows 11 Showtime Card is noticeable different from that of Windows x. There are a lot of things new well-nigh its card and a lot of things that tin exist changed. Check our guide to customize the Start Carte du jour in Windows 11 and make it your own.

Read next: Windows eleven Settings yous should modify right away.

show more Pinned Tiles on Windows 11 Start Menu


Yusuf is currently pursuing B.Tech in Delhi. He is a corking follower of the Windows ecosystem and enjoys working on his Windows xi PC.


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